
We maintain, install additional equipment and accessories for all mobile homes and caravans.

We have a modern auto repair shop with a 5.5T four-post car lift.
We supply all original spare parts for Dethleffs, Sunlight, Pössl, Knaus, Weinsberg, Eura Mobil motorhomes and caravans.

- Maintenance and repair works of the residential part (electricity, gas, water)
- Repair and maintenance of refrigerators
- Gas equipment maintenance, repair, pressure test
- Water tightness and humidity control of the residential part
- Inspection and maintenance of heating systems
- Installation work and troubleshooting of 12V and 230V electrical systems
- Change of oil and filters
- Pre- or post-purchase consultation service for mobile homes and caravans

We install various equipment
- wheel holders
- solar panels
- awnings
- reversing cameras
- airbags
- air conditioners
- movers
- inverters
- battery chargers
- sunroofs
- gas appliances, outlets
- water tanks, water taps, outlets, etc...

We offer claims handling for traffic damage and comprehensive damage.
We photograph and inspect the vehicle and prepare an offer for the insurance company.

Electronics waste and scrap metal can be given away:

Metruna OÜ